Verified truth, grounded in unchanging facts, serves as the foundation for confident business decision-making and effective execution. It is strengthened by principles that offer guidance in navigating various circumstances to achieve success, contrasting with the detrimental effects of chaos.
Primary Implication
Do you want to own a business that is out of or in control? The choice is yours.
If you find yourself going from one fire to another and your employees are watching the clock, your business is in a state of chaos, not control. If your days are chaotic, you lack strategy, structure, and systems built from guiding principles, with results monitored and reported to provide facts on what is and what isn’t working in your business.
Executing with confidence and determination is easier when you work with the truth. Truth is a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, or principle. Pure truth is valid at all times and in all places. It is always right, no matter what the circumstances. It is a fact that cannot be changed. For example, two plus two equals four is a mathematical truth.
Every step we take in the direction of uncovering truth and resisting faulty or incorrect assumptions moves us closer to understanding what we must do in our business model to earn profits. One way or another, truths discovered will be indisputable.
The opposite of truth is chaos. Chaos is defined as a state of utter confusion or disorder. Businesses that consistently lose money and struggle to find the cash to pay their bills lack organization and order. A business in chaos will have confused, disorderly, and out-of-control employees.
Remember principles to protect your business from chaos as you search for the truth in your business. Principles are “concentrated truth,” packaged for application to a wide variety of circumstances. Business CPR and the 7-P Framework are management frameworks proven to help business leaders organize their thoughts into truths about their business and then apply them to build a profitable business with predictable cash flow and cash reserves in the bank.