What’s Holding My Business Back from Achieving Better Results
The purpose of this self-assessment tool is to help you reflect on the current state of your business to enlighten your thinking around where you most likely need data-driven consulting services.
This self-assessment is not intended to take a lot of time, but to create a snapshot of your view on your business as of the date you take it. As you work through the self-assessment, this isn't about answering every question or populating any data field you don’t have a ready answer for.
You are not being graded on your responses nor will your information be shared with any third party. The sole intent of this tool is to help you step back and reflect on the current state of your business. Your responses will provide one of our business scientists with an appreciation of your business dynamics for use in their complimentary what’s holding your business back assessment and review.
Download the Worksheet
Enter your email address below to download the Excel spreadsheet file to access the “What’s Holding My Business Back” self-assessment tool.
It is recommended that you save this file to your desktop and attach it in an email to: upon completion.
Click here to contact us directly if you have any questions before your complimentary self-assessment review.