We know that being a small business owner is not for the faint of heart. It’s hard work that requires you to be smarter today than you were yesterday. Add to this the never-ending stress associated with having everything you own tied up in your business, and it can feel overwhelming.
Our goal in bringing to you business-cpr.com is to provide you with an easy-to-use platform for small business owners who want more from their business. The site is built for those seeking to learn what they can do smarter, not harder, to make more money with less stress from their business.
The site has its roots in the book Owning a GREAT Business, which introduced the “7-P Framework,” a business model decision guide that leads those who own a good business to develop the insights and actions necessary to own a GREAT business. The 7-P framework emerged from what was missing from extensive work done over the years with numerous mental models and frameworks created to solve different business problems.
Mental models and frameworks are incredibly helpful in applying business laws and principles to business problems. The key to using any mental model is to never force-fit a particular framework on anyone’s business. The creation of the BusinessCPR™ Management System emerged as the result of staying true to this value to never force-fit any model or framework on any business.
Business CPR came into being through a data-driven approach in helping small business owners grounded in the science of business versus the craft of a consultant. Scientists set aside opinions, perspectives, and assumptions until they have concrete evidence to back them up. As such, a business scientist will never rely on opinions or assumptions to make knowledgeable theories, whereas business consultants do this all the time because it’s easier.
Just as the most influential scientists of any discipline apply the scientific method to problem-solving, we saw a pattern emerge in how best to stabilize a struggling business as well as position a profitable business for higher profits. Our client work started with the hypothesis: “Is this a great business to own?” Using our client’s data, we would then prove whether this hypothesis was correct or not, using the following approach:
Over time, we developed assessment tools for quickly working through a company’s data that led us to swiftly and with a high degree of confidence answer our hypothesis of whether the client was the owner of a great business or not? In our work over the past several years, the answer to this core question has consistently been “no.” Answering this hypothesis with data has positioned us to explore the answer to our the second question simultaneously: “Could this business produce better results? Yes or no?”
It has been our answer to this second question that led us to understand how nine out of ten small business owners fail to position their businesses in a way that will ever lead to them achieving financial freedom. Click here to read more about the BusinessCPR™ Management System that leads to improved business cash flow from higher profits in five proven steps.
If you don’t like feeling out of control—or worse, you’re running out of cash—then take action. The next question to answer is, “Do I want to fix what’s not working myself, or do I want help?” Before you answer this question, consider the following visual:
Business owners who feel their business is controlling them never have a good sense of when their business is producing profits or operating at a loss. Getting lost through all the decisions an owner must deal with primarily happens for three reasons:
- They don’t have specific profit targets they are working to achieve;
- They aren’t making decisions based on their potential cash impact;
- They aren’t consistently tracking their accounts receivable collections.
Struggling business owners experience snowballing stress levels as cash flow tightens, making it impossible for them to identify by themselves what they need to do differently. At its core, we have proven through the scientific method that these same struggling owners are failing to grasp the relationship between cash, profits, and reporting on their ability to build and maintain a viable and profitable business.
Do I want to be a “self-fixer,” or do I want to work with a professional?
For those who want to be a “self-fixer,” this site contains the information you need to discover the truth about your business that will lead to better results. Business-cpr.com was not designed to be a teaser site that holds back the core information you need to make more money to force you into our “sales funnel.” The information you need to make more money is here; all you have to do is study and then apply the information to your business. Do this with a sense of urgency and discipline to realize better business results.
For those who want professional help, the next question is, “Do you want a business coach to help you navigate your situation yourself, or do you want a business scientist to take a data-driven approach to tell you what you need to start, stop, and continue today?”
As a business owner, you work hard and deserve to have your energy result in owning an increasingly profitable business with predictable cash flowing through it. Click here to schedule an appointment to see if working with a BusinessCPR™ Certified Business Coach or Scientist is in your best interest. This call is free. In talking with us, we will help you discover what’s holding you back from owning a more profitable business with predictable cash flowing through it.
Your second option is to take the business fitness test to learn how at risk your business is to go out of business in the next three years. Click here to take this free assessment. Upon assessment completion, you will receive a three-year risk profile showing how at risk your business is to failing from cash flow and profit problems.