Every business starts with cash, which is invested in various ways to generate revenue. Ultimately, the revenue is turned back into cash, and the cycle begins anew. Do this well and you are less likely to battle some combination of the top five small business killers. Fail, and you will struggle to generate sales at a profit.
The question is, “Do you want to proactively manage your business through this cycle or let it happen by chance? “ Those who let it versus make it happen are constantly battling some combination of the following five business killers every day:
- Not Enough Sales
- Weak Profitability
- Poor Cash Availability
- Employee Headaches
- Ownership Fatigue
Each of the above small business killers is a leading cause of why business owners who aspire to financial freedom through business ownership never achieve it. Those who do have proactively sought out new insights to help them better understand what it takes to consistently generate higher sales and profits that lead to sustainable cash reserves. Along the way, they have adopted management tools to time and again improve their sales, profitability, and cash position while freeing up their time and money. They do this by building on what works well while stopping what doesn’t and by adopting what’s needed to make more money with less stress.
Business model optimization is the anchor point to making more money with less stress. A failed business model is the leading cause of business owners never achieving financial freedom. It is for this reason that peakprofitstrategies.com exists. It has been designed and is continuously updated with new content and management tools for small business owners with inquiring minds looking to improve themselves and their businesses because they have high expectations for themselves, their business, and those in their employ.
Our offer to you for reading this post is to help you by answering the question—Where are you wasting money?
If you aren’t making the money, you wish you were making, click here to have a certified BusinessCPR™ Scientist at no charge identify how much your business model is costing you. Within forty-eight hours of receipt of your P&L Statement by month, you will receive back by email your free identification of where your business model is draining profits and, ultimately, cash from your business.