Before any person can buy from you, they must know where to buy before they can ever purchase from you. Assuming people can find you is a bad assumption. Making your customer's purchase transaction easy with you starts with them knowing where to buy. It is one of the simplest things you can do to make more money from your business.
In real estate, its location, location, and location. The same can be said of business. Do your customers know where to find you? If they can’t find you, how will they ever become aware you may have the solution to their problem? If not, it becomes impossible for any exchange of value to occur.
Even if people know about you yet haven’t bought from you, they must know where to do business with you if you are ever to achieve a straight-line connection to a transaction. Keeping the existence of your business top of mind is why large corporations spend millions on brand building, advertising, promotions, and signage to help people not only remember they exist. They want you to recognize where you can buy from them quickly.
When your business is not well known, you have a combination of the noise of everyday life and countless messages blocking them from you. Until you break through the noise to establish what you do, how it helps them, and where they can buy it, you will not conduct a business transaction as shown below:
The transaction enabler lies in becoming known. The customer’s decision to do the transaction occurs after you persuade the customer that the value you offer them is worth more than the price they will pay. This is why looking at your product’s price/value equation (s) is so important. When your perceived value is higher than the price you are charging, people are more likely to buy from you when you serve a need or satisfy a want that is important to them.
Keeping your price/value equation in balance is particularly important when competing on price. If the price you are charging is higher than the perceived value, people don’t buy. They will buy from someone cheaper or lose sight of the need or want they have because you are charging more than they want to spend.
If you are having trouble driving the “right” traffic to your business, click here to appreciate better the significance of where your target customers want to buy, or you won’t be in business much longer.
It's ALL noise until the where is known
If you are having trouble driving the “right” traffic to your business, click the link below to appreciate better the significance of where your target customers want to buy, or you won’t be in business much longer.